Brent Colescott

Leading Innovation in Learning

What Inspires You – Professionally?

What Inspires You – Professionally?

Inspiration can come from almost anywhere.  I like to think when I’m inspired, it’s my subconscious finally figuring something out, or even at times being guided by a higher power.  Sometimes it seems I have to work harder than others for inspiration.  Much like Passion and Purpose, Organizations and Departments need Inspiration. 

For this week’s Wednesday Words, I’m going to mix up a few things.  First, I cannot ignore what just happened this past week with all the news out of Disney.  While I’ll attempt to make a connection to HR and Development, I also want to provide some other sources of inspiration that I’ve looked to professionally throughout my career.  Either way, I hope you’ll feel inspired to find ways to be creative with your programs, because times are a changing. 

Experience.  It’s one of the top three things Millennials will spend their money.  Not tangible items, but experiences.  Which is why I continue to think that Disney will “own” the next decade in terms of market share and profitability.  For those not aware, Disney just held it’s “D23 Expo” event this week.  Think of it as a shareholder type event for Disney Fanatics.  While Disney has always been known for their “Experiences,” they just demonstrated how they will take everything they do up a level, full on immersion.

The D23 Expo wrapped up Sunday with a final presentation of what guests could expect to see in their parks and ships over the next two years.  What stood out for me is how Disney has gone “to infinity and beyond” with their Start Wars park concepts.  A new Star Wars Hotel was officially unveiled and it’s genius.  The hotel itself will be built and shaped just like a large spacecraft from one of the movies.  Guests will arrive for a total immersion 2 day “cruise” within the hotel.  Every “window” is actually a screen projecting images of space.  So essentially, guests will depart earth and feel completely as if they have entered another world for 48hrs.  AN IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE! 

Beyond the point that I’m a huge Disney fan, what does this mean for HR and Development.  Plenty.  Disney has always led in innovation; whether it’s animation, storytelling, theme parks, movies or customer service.  What I find most interesting about Disney is how they inspire me to think “outside the box.”  Ugh, sorry for the phrase.  Drawing a little closer to topic, there are many “Thought Leaders”  who have inspired me that are a little more HR.  I’ve compiled a list below of many I’ve followed professionally through their articles, conference keynotes and books. 

One of the first thought leaders I followed in my career is Elliott Masie.  He’s a perfect segue from Disney to HR in that he too looks to Disney for inspiration.  Every year he hosts “Learning 20xx” on property at DisneyWorld.  What I find most interesting about Elliott is his ability to take something so new, innovative or crazy and tie it back to Learning and Development.  I would highly encourage you to follow him on twitter or even subscribe to his Learning Tends newsletter.  And if you can, get to Learning 2019 – you’ll have a blast and come away completely inspired.   

To tie this all together consider this, what expectations will your employees have?  I highlighted the new Star Wars hotel for a reason, Immersion.  As HR and Development professionals embrace Augmented and Virtual Reality, what type of immersive experience should your “guests” expect.  Retailers, Law Enforcement and Energy companies are investing huge amounts into Virtual Reality as a training option.  Scenario “story telling” based interactions with full immersion (minus Star Wars Costumes) are helping employees practice awkward or dangerous skills in a safe environment. 

This goes way beyond the mundane concept of learning catalogs or instructor led training.  The employees of tomorrow are looking for “Experiences” for their development.  The list below are some of the Thought Leaders that have inspired my programs in the past.  My hope is you’ll find inspiration too!

Elliott Masie   Josh Bersin   Conrad Gottfredson  
Marshall Goldsmith   Laura Overton Bob Mosher  
Peter Diamandis Malcolm Gladwell   Brent Schlenker  
Tim Sanders   Dan Pontefract Jeanne Meister
Steve Boese   Sir Ken Robinson   Seth Godin