The Looming Emotional Crisis

We are in uncharted waters at this point in our COVID-19 response. My fear is that “Social Distancing” may be the cure that is worse than the problem in the long term. Last year I wrote a paper about “Putting the Human back in HR.” From here forward, the “Human” in HR is going to take up a significant amount of resources for the foreseeable future. The HR Perfect Storm has a Wellness Storm coming in right after it. Personal wellness will be on par for importance with the Economic Recovery in a Post-COVID-19 world. This week’s blog is more therapy than insight as I look to the challenges that are confronting our world.
Loss of Human Contact
Social Distancing is necessary to create a buffer for a highly transmittable contagion. However, the effect of Social Distancing can be as debilitating as the virus we fear. People crave contact. It lifts our spirits, provides reassurance in times of need and is part of who we are. In a matter of just days, we saw all types of gatherings become null and void: Religious/Church, Social, Dining, Conferences, Sporting Events, all gone. It is in our DNA to come together. We cheer together in good times and console each other in bad. This absence or delay of these emotions will exact a toll at some point down the road. The where and when is why HR will be among many of the institutions to respond.
Job Loss
The loss of one’s livelihood. Consider the untold number of jobs that have been lost. The Hospitality, Entertainment and Travel segments have been completely shut down. Airlines, Cruise Lines, Hotels, Theme Parks, Restaurants are all in survival mode right now. The Oil & Gas Industry struggles as well since demand has fallen to near historical lows. Sure, there are industries that are hiring, which is a glimmer of hope for those currently unemployed. However, how rewarding is a job that you have no passion to do? It can fulfill a need in the short term, but many will long to go back to their calling.
Loss of a Loved One
A time to Grieve. The mortality factor is primary among the reasons we are Social Distancing. But with that distance, comes a secondary cost – delayed grief. There are untold numbers of family members impacted by the death of a loved one in this time. However, due to social distancing in place, we cannot gather to share that grief with our loved ones. Funerals are even banned. No crying, no hugs, no shared grief except through a “video chat” or Facetime. That doesn’t quite cut it. The support through loved ones, a church or friends has been taken away and will exact a cost. Families and therefore employees will be carrying a burden of grief that will be unhealthy for some time.
Loss of School and Impact on the Youngest
Students across the nation are at home and not at school. From Kindergarten through the highest Ph.D. programs, students are learning on-line. However, I fear the impact and lasting effect of this quarantine on our young. My children are at home and coping for the most part. My youngest however was overcome with her emotions last week as she misses school and her routine. She craves interaction with her teachers and classmates in a way that Zoom just can’t deliver. The teachers have had some car parades through neighborhoods to see their students, but many just want to be back in class. While this may not be the sentiment of all students, consider the impact on the Class of 2020. Assuming most who read this graduated, imagine how you might feel if those last few months of your Senior Year, including Graduation, were taken.
Loss of our Routine
Chalk this up to “Into the Unknown;” we lost our routines with no knowledge of when they may even return. Much like my daughter’s moment of grief for missing school, she also cried out that we’ve lost what’s “normal.” Those who have shifted to working remote may not have their office routines back. So too many of all ages are hoping to go back to our routines, but in many instances, they will be gone, and that will take an emotional toll. Even mundane things like going to the barber/stylist are being missed by many men and women, myself very much included. Simple things we took for granted are just gone for now. The uncertainty of when they will return becomes its own burden and grief. Even when we do return to a post COVID-19 life, it will not be the same.
What’s Next?
Who knows? Everyone will be affected in some way. How we deal with the challenges today will aid in our recovery tomorrow. This past week was a make or break moment for many, myself included. We’ve moved from treading water in hopes that this will move on quickly, to realizing that it’s now time to swim to shore. That process may involve renewed commitment to one’s spirituality, to exercise, reading or establishing some sort of healthy outlet. I personally took a walk with my daughters to get away from the house for a moment. On that walk we found scripture tacked to a tree: The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged – Deuteronomy 31:8. It was a moment of hope and peace to see something so simple and powerful. How we choose to deal with the “now” will determine our emotional strength down the road.