Thanks for Stopping By…

What started out as an idea to write a book, turned into a weekly blog. Initially just some articles on Linkedin, eventually found their home on an actual website; . Then the challenge was to write something weekly for six months. Those six months turned into a year and now just crossed the two year mark.
This past week has been one of reflection regarding the direction of the blog. I’ve decided to put a hold on posting my weekly blogs for the moment. The site will stay up as I am extremely proud of the content and have found many of the articles have a very strong shelf life. Not quite sure what is next, but check in from time to time – you might find something new.
My sincere thanks to all those who stopped by to read my weekly musings. It was your support that drove me each week to post something new. I also want to thank my many colleagues who promoted my website on conference calls and through their own postings. I’ve learned so much over the past two years and will take those lessons on to my next adventure. My sincere thanks to all!
Cheers, Brent