Brent Colescott

Leading Innovation in Learning

Failure Is Not An Option

Failure Is Not An Option

Last week we journeyed “Into the Unknown.”  This week, let’s look to the good all around.  How’s everyone holding up?  Seriously, I want to know.  I think we all want to know how each other is doing.  Call it a mad social experiment, circuit breaker or hard reset of society, we’re all now a part of the greatest experiment in modern society.  And you know what, I think we’re going to be all right.  I choose to believe that this will be our finest hour.  We will lead our way out of the “Unknown” through Innovation and Imagination.

To give credit where credit is due, my daughter’s Principal, Mr. Winicki, inspired this week’s Wednesday Words.  In an e-mail to all the parents he referenced a great moment in history for us all to draw from; the Apollo 13 Mission.  His example hit home for the similarities; we’ve been thrown into an impossible situation, we’re seeing unprecedented innovation and imagination to solve problems differently, and “Failure Is Not An Option.”  It is this spirit of grit along with Innovation and Imagination that drives me to believe we will persevere through this pandemic. 

If you needed any convincing that we are in an Apollo 13 moment, look no further than a collaboration of Ford (yes the carmaker) and 3M to develop filter technology to protect medical works.  A darn near replication of the moment Apollo 13 needed to put a “square peg in a round hole” to solve their Carbon Dioxide problem aboard the spacecraft.  The innovation and imagination to take a fan normally used for ventilated (A/C) seats in an F-150 is being retasked into a hood design that will filter the air medical personnel will breathe.  The companies anticipate manufacturing over 1,000 units per month – amazing! 

The last few weeks we have all be introduced to new terms such as “Social Distancing” and “Business Continuity.”  I’ve personally done more video conferences in the past week than I can recall in the past year.  And you know what, it’s not all that bad.  I’ve also seen innovation and imagination spring up from the hardest hit segment of our economy; the restaurant business.  Under social distancing orders they have had to shutter their dining rooms.  However, nothing prevents take-out!  Just think, a few weeks ago the idea of Uber Eats and Door Dash seemed to be an excess of the extremely lazy.  Now, today, it’s literally a life-line for many restaurants to survive.  Please, continue to support your local small businesses any way you can.

Of course, you knew this was coming; yes, it would seem that the crazed Fan Base can be almost as innovative as the Disney Imagineers.  There have been stories in the news showing family creativity for those that had their vacations cancelled (totally worth the 3 min), as well as others that have missed some of their favorite rides.  The innovation and imagination to come up with these panaceas is truly awesome.  It really does show how when challenged, people can be extremely creative.

I really felt this week’s article needed to be optimistic with all the news we’re inundated with day after day.  While we haven’t discussed much about HR or the HR Perfect Storm, I can say that from what I’ve seen, HR Professionals have stepped up in a big way to support their employees in these uncertain times.  Much like the grocery store checker who has become an essential worker, so too is the value of our HR Professionals who are helping employees cope with strange times indeed.  For now, keep innovating, re-imagining, washing your hands and social distancing.  We will come through this changed, but I believe much stronger and wiser in the process; remember “Failure Is Not An Option.”