2021 White Paper Cliff Notes

I think at this point in 2020 it’s clear that anyone who says they can “Predict” an outcome is either flat out lying or full of, well, you know. To which I offer up not a prediction of anything for 2021, but a “Cliff Notes” of the latest round of whitepapers that have hit the Internet. Even as we wrestle with the final scenes of 2020 (think of the last 10 minutes of any Godzilla movie) we still look to 2021 as a shiny new opportunity. So, without further ado, here are the TOP 5 Trends HR Experts say will be on tap for 2021.
1. The Organization of Tomorrow
There is so much to this topic that I’m just going to lump in the main topics that have been surveyed, reviewed, discussed and predicted. Remote Work, Flatter Organizations, Distributed Talent, Virtual, Small Physical Footprint. This one is one of my favorite Topics as it has been a staple of predictions for so many years, yet now when it has so much disruption it’s like a free-for-all for futurists. 2020 has not been kind to many of the entrenched traditions or the “we’ve always done it that way” positions. Breaking out of the confines of a physical office space has done more for the change to an organization than anything else in my opinion. As organizations continue to adapt to the ongoing perils of a Pandemic, look to this topic as one with unlimited upward mobility.
2. Upskill, Reskill, we all Skill for Skill Skills!
If you haven’t seen or heard about this topic, you may be under the same rock with Patrick (SpongeBob reference). It’s a known fact that most everyone in the workforce has required a new skill or skills to survive 2020. Whether a shift from in-person to virtual, the loss of a role or dare I say industry, everyone has paid a lot more attention to the acquisition and understanding of new skill or skills this year. And if 2020 has taught us anything, this only seems to pick up the pace in 2021. Which is why you’re probably seeing more stories and papers referencing this topic. Learning and the relevance of Learning/Development had its best year for many reasons. Often scoffed at to do on “your own time;” Learning/Development was finally seen as critical intervention to adapting to constantly changing variables. The biggest news of all is how Middle Management has finally come around to supporting Learning/Development during the workday.
3. Resilience, Recovery, Repair, Revitalize, Reposition = Adaptability
Call this the 5 R’s or at least the most often new synonyms used for “Adapt”. Each of these terms will be essential to the ongoing survival of organizations and the talent that drives them. You will no doubt be seeing them sprinkled into whitepapers and articles. I’ve heard it said, “the more resilient the talent, the more resilient the organization.” This ties in to where we’re seeing discussions around organizations becoming more “human” in their focus on wellness and employee-centric initiatives into 2021. This new “compact” between employer and employee is a welcome shift from the “it’s just business” approach prior. However, as with many situations in 2020 we’ve seen the pendulum swing wildly from side to side. It will be important to maintain lines of clarity in the employment contract to avoid violations and potential abuse from either party.
4. Talent
While being a common thread to each of the above topics, this is worth a special callout if only for the sake of how Talent will be managed, supported and critical to organizations going forward. It’s almost as if you could take this as a combo: Talent and the Organization of Tomorrow, or Talent and Skills, or Talent and Resilience, etc. How Talent is managed, appreciated and applied to the operation, product or service will determine the success or lack thereof for an organization moving forward. This will also depend on decisions regarding reskilling/upskilling versus acquiring or contracting outside the organization for skills/Talent. Decisions will be based on the speed and urgency needed to adapt. Pre-COVID the heralded “Best Place to Work” or “Employer of Choice” will take on new significance in a Post-COVID world. How organizations treated/supported their Talent through a difficult year will be tied to their “street cred” for years to come. Talent will make the decision to stay with or leave an organization based on how they feel they are being treated. And keep in mind with the new Virtual workforce, Talent can now apply to and work from anywhere in the world.
5. Technology
Last, but not least, Technology. If there was ever a time to demonstrate how something could be done virtually, or better with Technology this was the year. I remember trying to convince Executives over the course of months why WebEx was a good idea in 2004. Not so much a challenge today. A dispersed workforce is now driving the demand for collaboration and data accessibility across a broad spectrum of demands. Whether it’s Management or HR needing data for Workforce Planning or Employees requiring information for their role, a project or personal benefits, if it’s not accessible in a few clicks today, it’s not benefitting the enterprise. Couple the need for mobile access on top of this growing need and its easy to see how Technology is driving so many of the decisions that will take us into 2021 and beyond. Keep in mind terms like “Employee Experience” and “Virtual” will characterize many of the Technology initiatives being driven.
This is by no means a comprehensive look or position paper for the Future of Learning & HR. Merely an overview synopsis of what I’ve seen in the various White Papers and End of Year Summaries that have been published recently. I’ve saved you some of the heartburn of leaving your contact information (pound of flesh) to gain access to a download. However, I can recommend some great papers of late should you wish to review in greater detail. SkillSoft recently published it’s 2020 Annual Learning Report along with Gartner and Deloitte. All three provide great analysis of the year and insight into what may be coming in 2021.
If I had to guess, I would say we’re in for more of the same from the past few months into at least the first half of 2021. Confidence in the COVID vaccine and it’s effectiveness in countering the spread will drive much of the speed and urgency across a spectrum of personal, business and financial decisions. Those with a growth mindset that supports continuous development will see the greatest success in 2021. In the meantime, stay safe, take some time off and enjoy the company of family and friends in your “COVID Bubble.” Wishing everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!