2020: Survive, Adapt, Overcome and Be Joyful!

With 2020 being an unmitigated disaster of a year by any measure, I’m going to embrace the Holidays unlike any year before. Under normal circumstances I might be hesitant, heck even adamant, about not fully embracing the Christmas Spirit until after Thanksgiving dishes are done. But as we’ve seen this year, Adaptation is akin to surviving 2020.
Due to the current international travel downturn, I’ve spent most of the past few weeks presenting Keynotes virtually from my home office. I’ve even started saying that I’ve traveled the world this year from the same two-foot square space in my office. My most recent sessions have centered on ReSkilling, UpSkilling and my favorite new term, the “New Collar Worker.” The common thread woven through all three terms and the key to Adaptation in 2020 is Knowledge.
Knowledge, whether the quest to find, absorb or gather it is key in 2020. Some feel it helps them see around corners, more accurately predict the future, or for this year, better adapt to the constant changes. What has impressed me most in 2020 (short list) is the open access and sharing of knowledge that has occurred. Consider the numerous Virtual Conferences that have removed registration fees, or the various “Think Tanks” or Consortiums that have lowered their pay walls to allow for open access. All of this has been, I believe, on the premise that if we share enough information someone might just figure out how we can all escape this year in one piece.
As the professional conference season is drawing to a close, I think it’s worth discussing how well, or not, the industry adapted to a virtual model. There are mixed reviews I’ve heard from colleagues that range from terrible to outstanding. From a pure information dissemination perspective, I would have to give many of the events a high score for waiving fees, presenting top notch keynotes and embracing the spirit of unity in this trying year.
However, on the networking and business development side, most missed the mark. To be fair, this isn’t as much an indictment of the Event Organizer or even content, but more about the Human Spirit. The Conference Season exists for the gathering of peers and networking. Interactions take place on the Expo Floor, in the Hallways, during Sessions, and let’s be honest at the Bar.
You take away these unscripted moments of interaction and you’re left with a cold impersonal “Virtual Booth” in which most messages are from other sales people trying to sell you their wares. While I believe many of the events will improve and even find new and creative ways to overcome the development gap, my money is on Live Events coming back as soon as possible.
I must admit that there have been a few events that have impressed me overall. I’ve both moderated and participated in some panel events around the globe this year. They offer a more intimate setting that allows for some great interactions and access to some amazing thought leaders. People Matters in India and the APAC Region has really impressed me throughout the year. Their events have been completely re-imagined for the virtual realm. Through a combination of Co-Hort Groups, pre-work, post-work, and mentoring, People Matters has shown to be ready for to lead what virtual professional events should aspire to in 2021.
I will say that along with Knowledge Acquisition to support Adaptation, the key to making it all work is applying Critical Thinking. In the wee hours of the morning as I take my daughter to her Volleyball practice, I like to help her see how various data points in our discussions can be threaded together based on what we know to lay out logical next steps. Too often I’ve seen and discussed with other HR Executives this lack of “connecting the dots” by younger employees to see the bigger picture.
So, getting back to my Christmas Spirit “Adaptation.” I’ve decided that in 2020 most of the rules have been thrown out the window at this point. So, if my kids are going all in on wanting to decorate their rooms, listen to Christmas Music in the car and throughout the house, why not. There are worse things I can think of than seeing cheerful kids embracing the spirit of the season smiling and looking forward to all that the holidays bring. So, for 2020 this year in November, I’m treating it as December. And when December arrives – BONUS – Happy Holidays!